July Newsletter: The Benefits of Daycare Services for Your Pet

Dogs play with staff member at daycare.

The Benefits of Daycare Services for Your Pet

Pet daycare could be an excellent solution if you're worried about your pet while you're away from home. Daycare offers advantages for you and your furry friend.

Improved Socialization

Experiences with animals and people at daycare will bolster your pet's confidence in a variety of social situations. Pets that interact regularly with people and animals may be better behaved in public and less likely to suffer from anxiety and other issues. Playtime with other dogs at daycare teaches your pet which behaviors are and aren't appropriate. Learning the rules of the dog world helps your pet enjoy positive experiences with dogs it meets during walks or visits to your friend's homes.

A temperament evaluation may be required before your pet starts daycare. The evaluation gives daycare workers important information about your cat or dog's personality, which helps them place your pet in the appropriate group.

Better Health

Exercise keeps your pet's bones, muscles, and heart strong. According to Dogster, dogs need 30 minutes to 2 hours of exercise every day. Cats need about a half-hour of exercise, divided into several short sessions.

Unfortunately, when you're at work, your pet probably isn't walking laps around your home or sprinting up and down the stairs to meet daily exercise goals. Your furry friend is more likely to spend the time napping or looking out the window. If you regularly work long hours, you may not have enough time to play with your pet or take it for a walk.

Without regular exercise, pets are more likely to become obese. According to the 2022 Pet Obesity Prevalence Survey, 59% of dogs and 61% of cats are overweight or obese. Carrying even a few extra pounds increases your pet's risk of heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, and other conditions.

Daycares offer both structured and unstructured playtime designed to ensure that your pet stays active.

No More Unpleasant Surprises

Pets find ways to entertain themselves when you're not home. Although tearing apart couch cushions or knocking the pictures off the mantle may seem like perfectly appropriate activities to your furry friend, you probably disagree.

Both boredom and separation anxiety can cause destructive behaviors. If your pet tends to be destructive while you're at work, enrolling it in daycare will offer physical and mental stimulation. The predictability of the daycare routine may also help pets that suffer from separation anxiety feel more secure.

An End to Complaints

Do your neighbors complain that your dog barks constantly while you're gone? Barking or howling may mean that your dog is bored or afraid. Enrolling your dog in daycare not only benefits your furry friend, but can improve your relationships with your neighbors.

Choosing the Best Daycare

It's best to visit several daycares before making a choice. During your visit, pay attention to:

  • Cleanliness. Does the facility look and smell clean? Do the employees quickly clean up urine and feces? What does the facility do to prevent the spread of diseases and illnesses?
  • Training. Does the staff receive ongoing training on animal behavior, first aid, pet care, and animal handling techniques?
  • Activities. What will your pet do during the day? Will it be placed in a large or small group of pets?
  • Transition. How does the facility help pets become comfortable with their new routines?
  • Staff. Does the staff seem friendly? How do they interact with the pets? How long have they worked at the daycare or with pets?
  • Overall Impressions. What does your gut feeling tell you? Sometimes a facility may seem fine on the surface, yet there's something that makes you question if it's the right one for your pet. The best daycare should offer a positive experience for both your pet and you.

Does your pet need a few immunizations before it attends daycare? Contact our office to schedule an appointment.


Dogster: Dog Exercise - How Much Exercise Does a Dog Need Every Day, 12/18/2018


Association for Pet Obesity: 2022 Surveys & Data


Hill’s: Is Daycare Right for Your Cat?, 9/20/2019


Daily Paws: How to Choose the Best Dog Daycare for Your Pup, 5/2021


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